1993- Natalie King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ
1994- Heather Goelz - Creative Dance Arts, PA
1995- Kelly Burke - The Dance Stop, NJ
1996- Lori Barber - Larraine Susa Dance Unlimited, PA
1997- Heidi Sutherland - Betty Gunderson's Studio of Dance, MA
1998- Ashley Yeater - Larraine Susa Dance Unlimited, PA
1999- Katie Spreadbury – Diane Kelley Dance Studios, MA
2000- Kimberly Rogers - Elite Dance Academy, PA
2001- Sophia Ferrarotto - Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada
2002- Laura Cota - Performing Dance Arts, Canada
2003- Christina Jensen - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY
2004- Michelle Cleghorn - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada
2005- Stacey Shivers - For Dancer's Only, NJ
2006- Lisa Okragly - For Dancer's Only, NJ
2007- Jean Linke - Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada
2008- Amanda Cleghorn - Performing Dance Arts, Canada
2009- Amanda Castro - Danstarz Dance Team, CT
2010- Madison Embrey - The Dance Shoppe, MI
2011- Danielle Alvarez - Stars Dance Company, FL
2012- Logan Epstein - Westchester Dance Company, NY
2013- Sophia Ludwig - In Motion Dance Project, FL
2014- Christina Kotsopoulis - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada
1992- Lenny Juliano - The Dance Connection, CT
1993- Derrick Yanford - The Dance Slipper, MA
1994- Oscar Hawkins - Fran's Studio of Dance, MD
1995- Ryan Foley - Performing Dance Arts, Canada
1996- Brenden King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ
1997- Jeremy Cox - Gloria Jean's Studio of Dance, CT
1998- Clyde Alves - Performing Dance Arts, Canada
1999- Bill Larson - Knecht Dance Academy, PA
2000- Colin Bradbury - Melissa Hoffman Dance Center, MA
2001-Gabriel Wolinsky – Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada
2002- Jason Sermonia - Performing Dance Arts, Canada
2003- Brett Perry - The Dance Company, IN
2004- Scott MacDonald - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada
2005- Neil Haskell - David DeMarie Dance Studio, NY
2006- Travis St. Denny - Amber Perkins School for the Arts, NY
2007- Aaron Libfeld - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada
2008- Ethan Lefleur- Performing Dance Arts, Canada
2009- Kenny Corrigan - The Dance Slipper, MA
2010- Tim Stickney - The Gold School, MA
2011- Jacob Guzman - The Gold School, MA
2012- Kevin Cosculuella-Dance Attack, FL
2013 - Dakota Walker - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada
2014- Derek Piquette - Stars Dance Company, FL
1992- Jennifer Zalewski - Gloria Jean's Studio of Dance, CT
1993- Michelle Micholas - Performing Arts Academy, NJ
1994- Taivon McKinney - Watmora Carey
1995- Courtney Kozul - Mary Flynn Murphy, MA
1996- Jamie Lee - Fran's Studio of Dance, MD
1997- Elise Doran - P& P Dance Center, MI
1998- Jennifer Russell - Robin Dawn Dance Academy, FL
1999- Katrina Dalton - Allegro Dance Arts, NJ
2000- Whitley Saffron - Larraine Susa Dance Unlimited, PA
2001- Ashley Shaw - Terri Newman's Dance Shoppe, MI
2002- Angelica Stiskins - Performing Arts Academy, NJ
2003- Jessica Lynch- Tami's Dance Connection, MA
2004- Rebecca Houseknecht - Hotshots National Dance Team, MD
2005- Jordan Norton - For Dancers Only, NJ
2006- Pamela Gaccione - For Dancers Only, NJ
2007- Katherine Kaspryzk - Rythum Plus Dance Company, Canada
2008- Jaclyn Ruggiero - For Dancers Only, NJ
2009- Eriel Santagado - In Motion Dance Project, FL
2010- Emma Bohn - Leeming Danceworks, Canada
2011- Julia Grondin - Diane Kelley Dance Studio, MA
2012- Olivia Alboher - For Dancers Only, NJ
2013 - Kelsey Flanders - In Motion Dance Project, FL
2014- Vivian Ruiz - Stars Dance Company, FL
2015 - Michaela Marfori - In Motion Dance Project, FL
1992- Jordan Cable - Scott's Studio of Steps, Canada
1993- Tony Bougiourias - Charlotte Klein Dance Center, MA
1994- Rasta Thomas - Fran's Studio of Dance, MD
1995- Dominique Kelley - Lisa Minelli, CT
1996- Jared Frank - D’Valda & Sirico, CT
1997- Eric Lilienthal - Tina LaFlam, MA
1998- Adam Barber - Bohaty School of Dance, MI
1999- Christopher King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ
2000- Teddy Forance - Hackworth School of Performing Arts, MA
2001- Kyle VanGerven - Betty Gunderson' s Studio of Dance, MA
2002- Ryan Steele- Dance Dynamics, MI
2003- Kent Boyd- The Dance Centre, OH
2004- Gianni Howell- Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL
2005- Blake Krapels - For Dancers Only, NJ
2006- Connor Yockus - Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL
2007- Connor Bormann- Performing Arts Academy, NJ
2008- Connor Yockus -Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL
2009- Matthew Gilmore - The Gold School, MA
2010- Anthony Madison - Happiness is...Dancing, Sudbury ONT Canada
2011- Noah Parets - The Gold School, MA
2012- Shale Wagman - Vlad's Dance Company, Richmond Hill ONT Canada
2013 - Sebastian Kaczor - MOBA Dance Academy, NY
2014- Michael Missios - Canadian School of Dance, Canada
2015 - Matthew Mancuso - Danstarz Dance Team, CT
(Presented by Cicci Costumes in Memory of Sherry Gold)