1992- Nancy Navickas - The Dance Slipper, MA

    1993- Natalie King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ

    1994- Heather Goelz - Creative Dance Arts, PA

    1995- Kelly Burke - The Dance Stop, NJ

    1996- Lori Barber - Larraine Susa Dance Unlimited, PA

    1997- Heidi Sutherland - Betty Gunderson's Studio of Dance, MA

    1998- Ashley Yeater - Larraine Susa Dance Unlimited, PA

    1999- Katie Spreadbury – Diane Kelley Dance Studios, MA

    2000- Kimberly Rogers - Elite Dance Academy, PA

    2001- Sophia Ferrarotto - Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada

    2002- Laura Cota - Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    2003- Christina Jensen - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY

    2004- Michelle Cleghorn - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2005- Stacey Shivers - For Dancer's Only, NJ

    2006- Lisa Okragly - For Dancer's Only, NJ

    2007- Jean Linke - Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada

    2008- Amanda Cleghorn - Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    2009- Amanda Castro - Danstarz Dance Team, CT

    2010- Madison Embrey - The Dance Shoppe, MI

    2011- Danielle Alvarez - Stars Dance Company, FL

    2012- Logan Epstein - Westchester Dance Company, NY

    2013- Sophia Ludwig - In Motion Dance Project, FL

    2014- Christina Kotsopoulis - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2015- Ally Moore - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada


    1992- Lenny Juliano - The Dance Connection, CT

    1993- Derrick Yanford - The Dance Slipper, MA

    1994- Oscar Hawkins - Fran's Studio of Dance, MD

    1995- Ryan Foley - Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    1996- Brenden King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ

    1997- Jeremy Cox - Gloria Jean's Studio of Dance, CT

    1998- Clyde Alves - Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    1999- Bill Larson - Knecht Dance Academy, PA

    2000- Colin Bradbury - Melissa Hoffman Dance Center, MA

    2001-Gabriel Wolinsky – Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada

    2002- Jason Sermonia - Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    2003- Brett Perry - The Dance Company, IN

    2004- Scott MacDonald - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2005- Neil Haskell - David DeMarie Dance Studio, NY

    2006- Travis St. Denny - Amber Perkins School for the Arts, NY

    2007- Aaron Libfeld - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2008- Ethan Lefleur- Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    2009- Kenny Corrigan - The Dance Slipper, MA

    2010- Tim Stickney - The Gold School, MA

    2011- Jacob Guzman - The Gold School, MA

    2012- Kevin Cosculuella-Dance Attack, FL

    2013 - Dakota Walker - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2014- Derek Piquette - Stars Dance Company, FL

    2015- Devon Larcher - Sannon O'Brien's School of Dance, MA


    1992- Joanne Georgeiff - Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    1993- Madeline Matos - Rolann's School of the Dance, FL

    1994- Samantha Zuidema - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ

    1995- Jennifer Jimenez - Greta Leeming School of Dance, Canada

    1996- Michelle Micholas - Performing Arts Academy, NJ

    1997- Katy Spreadbury - Diane Kelley Dance Studios, MA

    1998- Nicole Potts - The Dance Academy, PA

    1999- Lauren Strigari - Performing Arts Academy, NJ

    2000- Megan Jakel - Terri Newman’s Dance Shoppe, MI

    2001- Megan Lawson - Dance Spectrum, Alberta Canada

    2002- Stacey Maroske- All That Dance, Canada

    2003- Ashley Shaw- Terri Newman's Dance Shoppe, MI

    2004- Lisa Okragly - For Dancers Only, NJ

    2005- Jeanine Mason - Focal Point, FL

    2006- Tarin Pratt - Studio "D", AZ

    2007- Erin Ellis- Greta Leeming Studio of Dance, Canada

    2008- Emily James -Atwood Performing Arts Center, RI

    2009- Charly Santagado - In Motion Dance Project, FL

    2010- Katie Ann Martinez - Patricia Penenori Dance Center, FL

    2011- Francesca Crupi - For Dancers Only, NJ

    2012- Angie Cosculuella - Dance Attack, FL

    2013 - Madison Tainsh - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2014- Olivia Alboher - For Dancers Only, NJ

    2015- Kelsey Flanders - In Motion Dance Project, FL


    1992- Derrick Dale- Steven Boyd

    1993- Brendan King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ

    1994- Jeremy Cox - Gloria Jean Studio of Dance, CT

    1995- Nicolas Dromard - Greta Leeming School of Dance, Ontario Canada

    1996- Rasta Thomas - Fran's School of Dance, MD

    1997- Joseph Corella - Spisak Dance Academy, AZ

    1998- Manuel Herrara - Sullivan- Coyle School of Dance, NC

    1999- Jason Sermonia - Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada

    2000- Matthew Adamczyk - Betty Gunderson Studio of Dance, MA

    2001- Peter Chursin - Shely Pack Dancers, CA

    2002- Brandon Martin - Brandon Martin/ Independent, RI

    2003- Travis St. Denny - Amber Perkins School for the Arts, NY

    2004- Ricky Kuperman - Vlad's Dance Company, Ontario Canada

    2005- Jeffery Kuperman - Vlad's Dance Company, Ontario Canada

    2006- Donald Thom - Linda Jamieson School of Dance, Canada

    2007- Jacob Artist - David DeMarie Dance Studio, NY

    2008- Donald Thom - Linda Jamieson School of Dance, Canada

    2009- Jacob Guzman - The Gold School, MA

    2010- David Guzman - The Gold School, MA

    2011- Keanu Uchida - Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada

    2012- LaKota Knuckle - Lisa Naves Dance Company, ONT Canada

    2013 - McKinley Knuckle - Lisa Naves Dance Company, ONT Canada

    2014- Michael Novitski - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

    2015- George Burden-Cheresna- Dana Hanes Dance Company, Canada


    1992- Jennifer Zalewski - Gloria Jean's Studio of Dance, CT  

    1993- Michelle Micholas - Performing Arts Academy, NJ  

    1994- Taivon McKinney - Watmora Carey

    1995- Courtney Kozul - Mary Flynn Murphy, MA  

    1996- Jamie Lee - Fran's Studio of Dance, MD   

    1997- Elise Doran - P& P Dance Center, MI  

    1998- Jennifer Russell - Robin Dawn Dance Academy, FL   

    1999- Katrina Dalton - Allegro Dance Arts, NJ   

    2000- Whitley Saffron - Larraine Susa Dance Unlimited, PA   

    2001- Ashley Shaw - Terri Newman's Dance Shoppe, MI   

    2002- Angelica Stiskins - Performing Arts Academy, NJ   

    2003- Jessica Lynch- Tami's Dance Connection, MA  

    2004- Rebecca Houseknecht - Hotshots National Dance Team, MD

    2005- Jordan Norton - For Dancers Only, NJ 

    2006- Pamela Gaccione - For Dancers Only, NJ 

    2007- Katherine Kaspryzk - Rythum Plus Dance Company, Canada 

    2008- Jaclyn Ruggiero - For Dancers Only, NJ 

    2009- Eriel Santagado - In Motion Dance Project, FL 

    2010- Emma Bohn - Leeming Danceworks, Canada 

    2011- Julia Grondin - Diane Kelley Dance Studio, MA 

    2012- Olivia Alboher - For Dancers Only, NJ

    2013 - Kelsey Flanders - In Motion Dance Project, FL

    2014- Vivian Ruiz - Stars Dance Company, FL

    2015 - Michaela Marfori - In Motion Dance Project, FL



    1992- Jordan Cable - Scott's Studio of Steps, Canada  

    1993- Tony Bougiourias - Charlotte Klein Dance Center, MA  

    1994- Rasta Thomas - Fran's Studio of Dance, MD   

    1995- Dominique Kelley - Lisa Minelli, CT   

    1996- Jared Frank - D’Valda & Sirico, CT   

    1997- Eric Lilienthal - Tina LaFlam, MA   

    1998- Adam Barber - Bohaty School of Dance, MI   

    1999- Christopher King - King Center for the Performing Arts, NJ   

    2000- Teddy Forance - Hackworth School of Performing Arts, MA   

    2001- Kyle VanGerven - Betty Gunderson' s Studio of Dance, MA   

    2002- Ryan Steele- Dance Dynamics, MI   

    2003- Kent Boyd- The Dance Centre, OH  

    2004- Gianni Howell- Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL  

    2005- Blake Krapels - For Dancers Only, NJ  

    2006- Connor Yockus - Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL  

    2007- Connor Bormann- Performing Arts Academy, NJ 

    2008- Connor Yockus -Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL 

    2009- Matthew Gilmore - The Gold School, MA  

    2010- Anthony Madison - Happiness is...Dancing, Sudbury ONT Canada  

    2011- Noah Parets - The Gold School, MA 

    2012- Shale Wagman - Vlad's Dance Company, Richmond Hill ONT Canada

    2013 - Sebastian Kaczor - MOBA Dance Academy, NY

    2014- Michael Missios - Canadian School of Dance, Canada

    2015 - Matthew Mancuso - Danstarz Dance Team, CT


     2001- Talia Laurito- Atwood Performing Arts Center, RI

    2002- Rachel Gerber - All That Dance, Canada

    2003- Angelica Generosa - Dance Stop, NJ

    2004- Brieana Pagliaro - Pacific Coast Academy of Dance, CA

    2005- Eriel Santagado - In Motion Dance Project, FL

    2006- Jaclyn Ruggiero - For Dancers Only, NJ 

    2007- Francesca Crupi - For Dancers Only, NJ 

    2008- Kaylee Cacciotti - Happiness is...Dancing, Canada

    2009- Julia Miller - Rythum Plus Dance Company, Canada

    2010- Olvia Alboher - For Dancers Only, NJ

    2011- Mia Diaz - Stars Dance Studio, FL

    2012- Kayla Mak -Westchester Dance Academy,  NY

    2013 - Summer Wolfe - Williams Dance and Gymnastics, AR

    2014- Ashley Vallejo - Stars Dance Company, FL

    2015- Diana Sofia Pombo - Stars Dance Company, FL


    2001- Darrain Kujawa - Larkin School of Dance, MN

    2002- Jess LeProtto - For Dancers Only, NJ

    2003- Matthew Williams - Westchester Dance Academy, NY

    2004- Connor Yockus - Dynasty Academy of Dance, FL

    2005- Keegan Ellis - Professional Dance Center, MO

    2006- Brendan Lee - Greta Leeming Studio of Dance, Canada

    2007- Ryan Gallivan - Diane Kelley Dance Studio, MA 

    2008- Ryan Tomash -Performing Dance Arts, Canada

    2009- Charlie Burroughs - Kelly's Dance Academy, VT

    2010- Matthew Camerata -Creative Steps, NH

    2011- Lucas Triano- Stars Dance Studio, FL

    2012- Matthew Mancuso -Danstarz Dance Team, CT

    2013 - Noah Latrielle - Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada

    2014- Brady Farrar - Stars Dance Company, FL

    2015 - Timothy Zvifel - Vlad's Dance Company, Canada

  • The Rosemarie Boyden Memorial Award
    2010 The first year of the 9 & under DanceOff!

    2010 - "Cat in the Hat "In Motion Dance Project, FLA manda Plesa - Choreographer

    2011 - "Jesse's Girl "Canadian School of Dance, ONT Canada Dana Hanes - Choreographer

    2012 - "Let It Be" Dance Attack, Miami, FL - John Culbertson Cookie Ramos - Choreographers

    2013 - "The Great Escape" The Dance Slipper, MA - Brenda Barna Lori Haftmann - Choreographers

    2014 - "Thousand Years" Stars Dance Company, FL - Victor Smalley Angel Armas - Choreographers

    2015 - "Bonsoir" Vlad's Dance Company, Canada -
  • 12 & Under The Gold Family Award of Excellence 

    1993- "Dr. Jazz"  Gloria Jean’s Studio of Dance, CT  Gloria Jean Cuming - Choreographer

    1994- "Zip-A-Dee-Do-Da"  Gloria Jean’s Studio of Dance, CT  Stacy Eastman/Jackie DeCusati - Choreographers 

    1995- "White Swan/Close Every Door"  Mary Flynn Murphy School of Dance, MA Kathy Kozul - Choreographer 

    1996- "Excellent Birds" Gloria Jean’s Studio of Dance, CT  Gloria Jean Cuming - Choreographer 

    1997- "Hat Full of Stars"  Gloria Jean’s Studio of Dance, CT  John Festa - Choreographer 

    1998- "Breakin’ Up The House"  Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada Lisa & Danny Poland - Choreographer 

    1999- "The Lion King" Canadian Dance Company, Ontario Canada  Allain Lupien - Choreographer 

    2000- "Magalenha"  Hot Shots National Dance Team, MD  Shannon McHale - Choreographer

    2001- "Mack the Knife"  Greta Leeming Studios, Ontario Canada  Shannon Binotto - Choreographer 

    2002- "Ground Control"  Dance Arts Academy, NJ Heather Soccio - Choreographer 

    2003 - "Clay"  The Dance Slipper, MA Brenda Barna - Choreographer 

    2004 - "Rock With You"  Impact Dance Studio, IL Diane Merson - Choreographer 

    2005 - "Underground Railroad" Lisa Pilato Dance Center, MA Michelle Pilato-Chausse & Lisa Pilato-Fuller - Choreographers

    2006- "Get Your Shine On " Dynasty Academy of Dance Jack Bloeser - Choreographer

    2007- "Hello Dolly" For Dancers Only, NJ Kelly Alllen- Choreographer

    2008- "Hide And Seek " Vlad's Dance Company, Ontario Canada Vlad- Choreographer

    2009 - "Dream " Focal Point Dance Studio- Miami, FL Amanda Tae - Choreographer

    2010"The Gold Family Award of Excellence" has been renamed to "The Gloria Jean Cuming Award of Excellence"

    2010- "Falling Slowly " Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada Vlad - Choreographer

    2011- "Citizens of Solitude " Canadian School of Dance, ONT Canada Fran Coyle - Choreographer

    2012- "Color" Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada Vlad - Choreographer

    2013 - "Everybody Swing" Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada - Jessica Shaw - Choreographer

    2014 - "Harem" For Dancers Only, NJ - Dina Crupi - Choreopgrapher

    2015 - "Evolution" In Motion Dance Project - Amanda Plesa/Sam Macklin - Choreographers

  • 13 & Over The Bill Como Memorial Award 

    1989 - "Homeland" Hackworth School of Performing Arts, MA Alison Forance – Choreographer 

    1990 - "Eternal Struggle"  Masters of Dance Arts  Mary Helen Stewart - Choreographer 

    1991 - "Stompin' At The Savoy"  Dance World Academy, NJ  Farinella, Wolter, Cruz & Schmid - Choreographers 

    1992 - "Blackness"  Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada  Debbie & Danny Poland-Choreographers 

    1993 - "Suicide" Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada  Danny Poland - Choreographer 

    1994 - "The Conversation"  Piazza Dance Company, MI  Gina Piazza - Choreographer 

    1995 - "The Spider"  Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada  Danny Poland - Choreographer 

    1996 - "Inner Voices" Fran's Studio of Dance, MD  Fran Peters - Teacher 

    1997 - "Suffer The Innocent"  Jersey Cape Dance Center, NJ  Stina Smith - Choreographer 

    1998 - (Tie) "The Cage"  Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada  Danny Poland - Choreographer 
    1998 - (Tie) Jeremy Cox  Gloria Jean's Studio of Dance, CT  Gloria Jean Cuming - Choreographer 

    1999 - "Full Circle"  The Dance Slipper, MA  Brenda Barna - Choreographer 

    2000 -"Matrix"  Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada  Danny Poland - Choreographer 

    2001 - "The Typewriter"  Danek School of Performing Arts, NY  Paul Danek - Choreographer

    2002 - "Stonehenge"  Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY  Amber Perkins - Choreographer 

    2003 - "Sweet Goodbye"  Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY  Amber Perkins -Choreographer 

    2004 - "Hit Me With A Hot Note"  For Dancers Only, NJ  Ray Leeper -Choreographer

    2005 - The Bill Como Award is now “The George Lon Memorial Award”

    In Honor of the Passing of our Dear Friend.

    2005- "Gorecki" Vlad's Dance Company, Ontario Canada Vlad- Choreographer

    2006 - "Bolero" Amber Perkins School for the Arts, NY Amber Perkins - Choreographer 

    2007 - "Word Up " Vlad's Dance Company, Ontario Canada Vlad- Choreographer 

    2008 - "The Bird " Performing Dance Arts , Ontario Canada Danny Poland - Choreographer 

    2009 - "The Cotton Club " Dance Attack, Miami, FL Cookie Ramos and John Culbertson - Choreographers 

    2010 - "Green" Amber Perkins School for the Arts, NY Amber Perkins - Choreographer 

    2011 - "Accept Me" The Gold School, MA Rennie Gold - Choreographer

    2012 - "Cinema Italiano"  Dance Attack, Miami, FL  Cookie Ramos and John Culbertson - Choreographers 

    2013 - "The Greatest Bond" Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada - Vlad - Choreographer

    2014 - "Turn to Dust" - Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada - Vlad - Chroreographer

    2015 - "Off The Grid" - Dance Academy of North Jersey - Jaclyn Walsh - Choreographer


    (Presented by Cicci Costumes in Memory of Sherry Gold)

    1995- Danny Poland - Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada

    1996- Michele Cucaro/Lori Barone - Jam Dance & Fitness, NY 

    1997- Brenda Barna - The Dance Slipper, MA 

    1998- Mark Simpson - Dance Arts Center, CT 

    1999- Jackie DeCusati - Gloria Jean’s School of Dance, CT 

    2000- Dawn Laviola-Schaub - Performing Arts Academy, NJ 

    2001- Amber Perkins - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY 

    2002- Amber Perkins - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY 

    2003- Amber Perkins - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY 

    2004- Paul Danek - Danek School of Performing Arts, NY

    2005- Amber Perkins - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY 

    2006- Michael Perkins - Amber Perkins School for the Arts, NY

    2007 ADA has decided to recognize a 12 & under and 13 & over choreographer.

    If warranted, we recognize an outside or guest choreographer.

    2007- Michele Cucaro - Jam Dance & Fitness, NY (13 & Over)
    2007- Kelly Allen - For Dancers Only, NJ (12 & Under) 

    2008- Rennie Gold - The Gold School, MA (13 & Over)
    2008- Jack Bloeser - Dynasty Academy Of Dance, FL (12 & Under)
    2008- Larry Sousa - The Gold School, MA (Guest Choreographer) 

    2009- Amanda Plesa - In Motion Dance Project, FL (12 & Under)
    2009- Rennie Gold - The Gold School, MA (13 & Over)
    2009- Larry Sousa - The Gold School, MA (Guest Choreographer)

    2010- Amanda Plesa - In Motion Dance Project, FL (12 & Under)
    2010- Rennie Gold - The Gold School, MA (13 & Over)

    2011- Alissa Reppucci - Liza Indiciani Studio of Dance, MA (12 & Under)
    2011- Kathy Kozul-Katie Kozul - The Gold School, MA (13 & Over)
    2011- Eryn Waltman - Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada (Guest Choreographer)

    2012- Vlad -Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada (12 & Under)
    2012- Vlad -Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada (13 & Over)

    2013 - Jessica Shaw - Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada (12 & Under)
    2013 - Vlad - Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada (13 & Over)

    2014 - Kim Im - Greta Leeming Studio of Dance, ONT Canada (12 & Under)
    2014 - Vlad - Vlad's Dance Company, ONT Canada (13 & Over)

    2015 - Joelle Cosentiono/Amber Perkins - Dance Academy of North Jersey (12 & Under)
    2015 - Jaclyn Walsh - Dance Academy of North Jersey (13 & Over)


    1999- Laura Halzak - The Dance Slipper, MA

    2000- Katy Spreadbury - Diane Kelley Dance Studios, MA

    2001- Kimberly Rogers - Elite Dance Academy, PA

    2002- Andrea Partridge - Performing Dance Arts, Ontario Canada

    2003- Michael Perkins - Amber Perkins School of the Arts, NY

    2004- Laura Halzak - The Dance Slipper, MA

    2005- Jason Luks - For Dancer's Only, NJ

    2006- Bridget Perfetto - Jam Dance & Fitness, NY 

    2007 ADA has decided to recognize a 12 & under and 13 & over choreographer.

    2007- Bridget Perfetto - Jam Dance & Fitness, NY (12 & Under)
    2007- Kevin Howe - Leeming Danceworks, Ontario, Canada (13 & Over)

    2008- Jessica Tite - Canadaian School Of Dance, ONT Canada (12 & Under)
    2008- Kelly Grant - The Gold School, MA (13 & Over)

    2009- Kelly Grant - The Gold School, MA (12 & Under)
    2009- Kelly Grant - The Gold School, MA (13 & Over)

    2010- Kevin Howe - Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada (12 & Under)
    2010- Charly Santagado - In Motion Dance Project, FL (13 & Over)

    2011- Jaclyn Hoffman - Melissa Hoffman Dance Center, NH (12 & Under)
    2011- Julie LaMancuso - David DeMarie Dance, NY (13 & Over)

    2012-Dina Crupi - For Dancers Only, NJ (12 & Under) 
    2012- Mary Grace McNally - Diane Kelley Dance Studio, MA (13 & Over)

    2013 - Dina Crupi - For Dancers Only, NJ (12 & Under)
    2013 - Emma Portner - Leeming Danceworks, ONT Canada (13 & Over)

    2014 - There was not a young choreographer that qualified

    2015 - Stacey Richetelli - The Dancers Studio, CT (12& Under)
    2015 - Jade Whitney - Vlad's Dance Company (13& Over)