Featuring the finest dancers from across the United States and Canada!
Every soloist in all ADA regional event, ages seven or older, is eligible for the AMERICA'S DANCER OF THE YEAR TITLES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! At the national level there is more $8,000.00 in cash scholarships...Each regional Dancer of the Year Winner will receive an official ADA winner’s jacket and a trophy. The
next level of competition will be the ADA National Championships, where
winners from each regional event in the USA, Canada and South Africa
will vie for the title of America’s Dancer of the Year 2015. At the national level, the Dancer of the Year regional winners enjoy a dance experience like no other!
the opportunity to work with a professional choreographer to create an
"opening number spectacular" performed at both the title events and the
ADA banquets. The experience builds wonderful camaraderie among the
dancers and friendships that last a lifetime. Eurotard and
ADA supply the wardrobe for the opening number.
contestant will create a personal video introduction for their
performance to be broadcast on large screens throughout the auditorium
(at each title event) to introduce their performance. The videos are
created at the championships.
Dancer of the Year contestants photograph will be featured in the
American Dance Awards National Championship Souvenir Program.
an effort to choose the best technical dancer, ADA presents special
classes for each group of contestants. The title judges adjudicate the
classes and will utilize those scores in addition to a performance score
to determine the winners. A ballet, tap, jazz, modern and acrobatics
class is offered in each age level. Each contestant is required to
participate in at least two in addition to ballet, but may choose three
or four; however only the top two scores added to your ballet score will
be utilized in the final tabulation. There will be specific high score
class awards for dancers who achieve the top scores.
If a title winner is unable to attend the national competition, the first runner-up will become eligible. 2016 Junior, Teen and Dancer of the year winners must arrive by 10am on July 9th, 2016 at the ADA
championship for orientation, adjudicated classes and rehearsals. Young Dancer winners must arrive by 2:00pm on July 10th for orientation and the competition will be at 7:00pm on the 10th. All
contestants (except Young Dancer of the Year) will attend orientation,
all rehearsals, the "adjudicated" classes and all other activities pertaining
to their respective age level or they will not be eligible for the
title. Two 5x7 vertical black & white "head-shots" with a
white background are required from each contestant. This also includes Young dancers. Please mail both pictures to ADA - PO BOX 566 North Haven, CT 06473. We do NOT accept emailed or digital photos. They must be two 5x7 prints.
All title winners
will receive a FREE unlimited class card. Young Dancer of the Year will
receive a FREE five class card (above and beyond the title classes) for
the classes and workshops offered at the Championships.Title
contestants may not compete the same solo they perform in the title
competition at any other time during the national championships.
Different solos will be accepted for the national championships.Dancer
of the Year regional winners may compete any solo they choose for the
America’s Dancer of the Year event. It does not have to be the solo they
won with.The entry fee for all Junior, Teen and Dancer to
participate in the national event is $200.00 (U.S. funds). Entry fee for
Young Dancer of the Year (7-9) is $150.00 (U.S. funds)
$10 from each Dancer of the Year entry will be donated to Charity!!