Awards & Rules


    A typical one-day event is 12 & under and 13 & Over entries throughout the day. A one-day event is usually a Saturday.  

    A typical two day event is 12 & under on Saturday and 13 & Over on Sunday.

    3 OR 4 DAY EVENT

    A typical 3 or 4 day schedule will begin Thursday or Friday afternoon after 3:00 PM with 13-15 solos or 16 and over solos or both. We try to run all 12 & under entries on Saturday (could carry over to AM on Sunday) and finish on Sunday with the remainder of 13 & Over.

    PLEASE NOTE; this is a "typical" schedule and is subject to change.  When referring to ADA entry deadlines throughout this brochure, they will be listed as 5 weeks prior to each event for US cities and 6 weeks for the Canadian Tour.

    Some events will close earlier than the deadline. We highly recommend registering online as early as possible to insure your entries are accepted.Entry fees will be due in the ADA office four weeks prior to the competition.  Soloists participating in all US and Canadian cities: 

    A soloist may only compete 3 solos per city if the schedule permits. The 3rd solo will only be allowed if time permits!

    Teachers can submit the 3rd solo and will be contacted prior to the event if one needs to be removed!

    PLEASE NOTE; all schedules are subject to change based on the number of entries received for a particular event.



    RECREATIONAL: This Classification is for recreational dancers only. It was created for the student who wants to be part of the competition experience and dances on a purely recreational basis. High score awards will be presented in this classification with four or more entries. The Recreational division will have separate high score awards and will be eligible for “special awards”. They will not be eligible for Over all High Score Awards presented in the competitive level.

    PRIMARY: is for dancers who train three hours per week or less. “Training” includes all dance forms studied NOT just the subject entered. It also includes rehearsals, gymnastic, acrobatics and solo lessons . No entry or dancer may enter the primary classification if they participate in three or more entries at a competition. High Score awards will be presented in a classification with four or more entries. The primary division will be eligible for Overall High Score Awards presented in the competitive level.

    COMPETITIVE: The competitive classification is for all entries wishing to compete for medal standing, high score awards in all age levels, overall high score awards, choreography, costume,“Special Awards”, Dancer of the Year Titles, and cash scholarships.

    PRO/PRO-AM: This is for dancers who are 19 years or older and are studio owners, teachers, or professional performers. If you are 19 years or older and choreograph or assist in 3 or more routines at your studio or are paid for any choreography outside of your studio, you are considered a professional. Please use your best judgment. One professional makes the entire routine Pro/Pro-Am. Pro/Pro-Am is eligible for costume and choreography awards but is not eligible for Overall High Score Awards unless there are more than 4 or more ProAm entries.

    NON-COMPETITIVE – For dancers who wish to compete for judges critiques only and not compete for medal standing or high score awards. Entries in this classification may receive “special awards”. This classification can be used by a dancer who is performing a second solo in the same subject/style or for teachers who wish to perform and not compete.

    MEDAL STANDING ONLY – For dancers who wish to compete for medals only, judges’ critiques and “special awards” but not be eligible for high score awards.

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION PERTAINING TO CLASSIFICATIONS...Proper classification is determined by the number of hours of training per week. Training includes all rehearsals, solos, dance and Gymnastic classes combined. If the rehearsal schedule is more intensive at certain times of the season than another, hours must be averaged over the period of one studio season.  The Recreational, Primary,and Competitive classifications have been developed to afford all levels of dancers the opportunity to participate in ADA events and to separate the classifications to present high score awards to each. A primary or secondary entry is not scored higher based on their classification. All entries are adjudicated by the same standard as far as scoring, however the adjudicator’s critiques will be geared towards the level of training in each classification and they can separate the entries for "High Score" purposes.


    Solo………………………………...2:45 Minutes
    Duo/Trio…………………………...3:00 Minutes
    Small Group 4-8 Dancers.............3:30 Minutes
    Large Group 9-17 Dancers............3:30 Minutes
    Class 18 or more Dancers.............3:30 Minutes
    Extended*** (see below)................6:00 Minutes
    Production*** (see below)..............10:00 Minutes

    ***Extended 4 or more Dancers
     (6 min. time limit) . All entries will be eligible for the "High Score Extended" awards only.

    ***Production 10 or more Dancers  (10 min. time limit) All entries will be eligible for the "High Score Production" awards only.

    In most Regionals, the Extended and Production categories will be combined for high score awards.These time limits will be strictly enforced. You will be given a 5 second leeway. After that your routine will be subject to a 2 point penalty from each judge.

    Time limit is the maximum time allowed, shorter entries are allowed. 

    Soloists will be divided into male and female categories and by exact age.

    There will be no use of knives, swords, or other dangerous items.

    Props are allowed, but must be “free standing.” If there is any “litter” on the stage after a performance, a crew must be ready for “clean-up” immediately following the performance.

    Rehearse setting props or mats. Props or sets must be set up & removed as quickly as possible.

    Make sure there is enough people setting the scene to insure it is done as fast as possible. No person setting props will wear a studio T-shirt or jacket. Students should not set props. 



    6 & Under  Young Dancer DivisionAges 7-9 Junior Dancer DivisionAges 10-12 Teen Dancer DivisionAges 13-15 Senior Dancer Division Ages 16-21
    Adult DivisionAges 22 & Over.   Can choose Parent/Adult as a classification!


    DUO through PRODUCTION age levels as of the first day of the competition.
     Average the ages of the dancers and divide by the amount of dancers dropping all decimals.

    In the case of duo/trios having a wide age span,
    No duo/trio entry may enter an age level less than one lower than the oldest dancer performing.

    The age of a soloist is determined by 
    July 1, 2016. All solos will be divided by individual age.

    There are separate male and female categories.

    Three scoring judges with up to 100 points each.

    Ultimate Gold Medal 280-300

    Gold Medal 270-279

    High Silver Medal 255-269

    Silver Medal 240-254

    High Bronze Medal 230-239

    Bronze Medal 210-229

    Honorable Mention 195-209

    Studios will receive a participation ADA plaque (8x10 and must have at least one group entered in the event) and an individual pin for each dancer in a duo - production entry!

    Soloist will receive a plaque and a medal!


    4 or more - 1st place certificate presented.7 or more - 1st & 2nd place certificates presented.10 or more - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place certificates presented.

    All entries must score a gold or silver medal to receive a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place award.

    HIGH SCORE (By Classification)

    High Score "pro-am, recreational, primary, competitive" awards will be presented based on the number of entries in each classification.

    High Score Awards:

    High Score Solo Choreography Top 3 High Scores.

    High Score Choreography Duo through Production (The Diamond Award) Top 3 scores.

    Young Choreography 1st Place 12 & under and 13 & over

    High Score Costume Duo thru Production 1st place.

    High Score Solo Costume 1st Place


    The following awards will be presented in both 12 & under and 13 & over:
    High Score Solo - 1st Place receives $75.00 cash.

    High Score Duo/Trio - 1st Place receives $75.00 cash.

    High Score Small Group - 1st place receives $100.00 cash.

    High Score Large Group - 1st place receives $150.00 cash.

    High Score Class - 1st place receives $200.00 cash.

    High Score Extended through Production. 1st place receives$250.00 cash.

    Highest Adjudication (the highest performance and choreography score combined). 
    With entries under 250 the top 3 routines will be awarded,

    1st place receives $300.00 cash
    2nd and 3rd a Plaque.

    With entries over 250 the top 3 routines will be awarded,

    1st place receives $500.00 cash
    2nd and 3rd a Plaque. 


    Choreography Awards for DUO THROUGH PRODUCTION are presented at each regional event; they are called the "Diamond Awards." They are presented to the choreographers with the top scores in both 12 & under and 13 & over. All duo through production entries are eligible.  Solos will have their own choreography awards. "Diamond" winners are eligible to compete at the National Championships for America's Choreographer of the Year, a $2,000.00 cash scholarship. This scholarship is sponsored by our friends at Cicci Costumes. An entry can only win one Diamond Award per season for the same piece of choreography.

    Choreographers age 21 years old and younger may enter their duo through production choreography in the Young Choreographer category (entry form has a space to check-off to participate). There is no limit to the number of entries a young choreographer may submit. Winners from each regional event are eligible to compete for America's Young Choreographer of the Year at the Championships for a $1,000.00 cash scholarship. Young Choreographers are not eligible for Diamond Awards.

    The special awards are based on the unique qualities of a particular entry that may not always be reflected in the medal standing. The Special Awards are presented for such qualities as outstanding precision, teamwork, choreography, use of formations, patterns, technical execution, emotional execution, and more. 


    High Score Winners (1st place) and Title Winners will not be eligible for the same award in another city during the same season. They will be eligible for any award not received in another city. If you enter a second city with a High Score or Title Winner from a previous city, please notify the tabulator to avoid any confusion.

    High Adjudication Winners and Title Winners may not enter the same number (music and choreography) the following year.

    Remembering that the spirit of American Dance Awards is inspiration... And in an effort to continuously inspire new choreographic efforts- the following is a clarification of the American Dance Awards

    1. Any routine winning High Adjudication in a city is not eligible the following year or in another city the same year.

    2. Any high score winning solo cannot repeat the same choreography or music the following year unless it is for medal standing only or non- competitive.

    3. Any high score duo- production routines having the same music, concept, choreography and dancers will not be eligible the following year unless 50% of the dancers and choreography have changed.

  • When the schedule is created, ADA will send you music labels.

    Place label on individual CD and hand in all music at once in order to your schedule.

    Please be sure to use a high quality CD burning software to assure reading and not to skip.

    Also please refer to our time limits.

  • Fees are not posted on the website. For information on fees, please call the ADA office or email from the studio account holders email address to

    Deadlines for entries are 5 weeks prior to the date of the event and fees are due 4 weeks prior. To receive a studio incentive, fees must be postmarked and at least 6 week prior to the event. Some events fill up quickly so please call with approximate number of entries well in advance so you will have a reserved spot in the event.


    Upon entering the American Dance Awards or the Canadian Tour, it is agreed that all students, parents, relatives and teachers will not hold the American Dance Awards, its staff, directors or the host facilities responsible for any injury or loss of property during the event.
    RULES AND REGULATIONS NOTE: PLEASE distribute the following rules to all participating families.

    . NO CAMERAS OF ANY TYPE WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY OF THE HOST FACILITY. Anyone concealing a camera and asked more than once to remove it from the auditorium with result in removal from the auditorium and or disqualification of their school.

    . All dancers will say “thank-you” when presented with an award.

    . Upon entering any American Dance Awards Inc. sponsored event, it is agreed that all students, parents, relatives and teachers will not hold American Dance Awards Inc., its staff or directors or the host facilities responsible for any injury or loss of property during the event.

    4 . No limit to the number of entries a studio or dancer may submit, with the following exceptions:Soloists may not compete in the same subject more than once. If they have a second solo in the same subject, it must enter in “Non-Competitive.”No soloist will compete more than three solos in any single event.Duos through classes will not compete against themselves in the same subject unless 50% of the group changes. A second duo through class in the same subject may be entered “Non Competitive” or in an age level above. Production entries may have the same dancers and compete more than once in the same category.

    . Appropriate music, choreography and costumes will be utilized. All entries must be considered “family entertainment.” Any entry not considered “family entertainment” will be penalized and or disqualified.

    . All studios will abide by the Music Policy listed above.

    7 . All entries will check in with the backstage coordinator five (5) numbers prior to their performance.

    8 . The results of a competition are final. No teacher, student or parent will question a judge.

    All parents, teachers and students will hold the art of dance in the highest regard. There will be no derogatory statements concerning another studio or fellow dancer at any time.

     Any teacher, parent or student walking in front of the judges’ table during a performance will be disqualified and asked to leave the event.

     No parents will call The ADA office. All inquiries will be made through the participating studios.

     Any studio, dancer or parent that abuses the dressing area will be disqualified or asked to leave the event. Each studio and participant will be responsible for totally cleaning their dressing areas.

     There will be no coaching from the wings or audience.

    14.  All participants accept the manner and method of judging set forth by the directors. The directors have the right to change the manner or method at any time they deem necessary. The directors reserve the right to add high score awards when they deem necessary.

     There will be no “claiming of an area” for private “warm-up.” If you set up mats for practice, they may not be in any public area or dressing room.

     Dancers will not sit on the floor in the vicinity of the judge's tables in any auditorium.

     With the exception of the judges and staff, there will be no food or drink allowed in the auditorium.

    There will be no spray painting or dying of shoes in the building or parking lot.

    Any dancers that are 13 & Over and leave the stage during a performance are not eligible for a medal standing.

     All participants give their permission for any photograph or video taken of them by American Dance Awards Inc. to be used in promotion. This includes newspaper, brochures, ads, television, sales videos, the Internet, newsletters and any other form of marketing on behalf of American Dance Awards Inc.