2012 13 & Over Dance Off Results

The George Lon Memorial Award 
  1st Place         $5000.00       

"Cinema Italiano  "                                                                                     

Dance Attack -  MIami, FL
3rd Place        $2000.00       

"Over The Pond  "    

Dance Attack - Miami, FL
5th Place        $500.00         

"Holding On "                                                                         

Perkins School of the Arts - NY
America's Choreographer of the Year



Vlad's Dance Company - Canada
2nd Place        $3000.00      

 "The Family"                                                                               

Vlad's Dance Company - Canada
4th Place        $500.00      

 "For My Sister  "                                                                     

Vlad's Dance Company - Canada
6th Place        $500.00        

Passing "                                                                                    

Westchester Dance Academy - NY
America's Young Choreographer of the Year


"Mary Grace McNally "                                                                         

Diane Kelley Dance Studio -MA